Be Exceptional

MSM-Day 1

Mini Smile Makeover
Day One


An introduction of the many mini smile makeover clinical cases which Mark has treated and which form a large part of his daily practice.


Case Selection 

Learn case selection criteria that are crucial for success in mini makeover cases.

The Records Essential Photography and Digital Records

Learn how Mark and his team takes an immaculate and complete set of digital records and essential photography requirements for successfully chronicling and communicating every treatment.

The Consultation 

Building rapport, getting to know your patient and understanding their goals and key drivers is crucial to success with aesthetic treatments. Learn the communications skills and key questions you must ask every patient on order to achieve successful case acceptance and successful outcomes.

The Examination

Digital Records, Examination, Bite & Smile Analysis.  Develop the skills to perform an appropriate examination and assessment which is vital to a successful clinical outcome in cosmetic dentistry. 

Occlusion and Pre-Alignment

Careful analysis of the patient’s occlusion and function is essential for long term treatment success. To ‘align or not to align’ that is the question. Learn from Dr Hughes’ years of ortho-restorative experience and find out what cases to avoid. 

Treatment Planning

Analysing the nuances of the case that you will be preparing.

Lunch: Lunch and all refreshments are included. 


The Perfect Veneer Preparation

Step-by-step hands-on teaching of how to prepare 4 porcelain veneers on a digitally printed 3D model.

(Note – both optimal analogue and digital impressions will be shown on Day 2 on a live patient, as well as retraction, soft tissue contouring, bite registration and incisal plane ‘stick bite’ registration)

Lab communication & Shade Selection Simplified

Learn shade selection techniques.

The Perfect Veneer Cementation

Step-by-step hands-on teaching of Stress-Free veneer cementation.

A detailed step-by-step training session to learn how to fit 4 porcelain veneers on 3D printed models (note optimal isolation and moisture control will be shown in the clinical session on Day 2)